Keeping laptop science lab journal is also suggested by Miller and Page 2007. Figure 1 shows laptop technological know-how screenshot of searching programming commit historical past of JABM written by Steve Phelps, one of programming authors that put up their source code in computing device science public Git repository. Today, commit comments are mostly technical, but they might also be a brilliant way programmers almost immediately document medical issues. This screenshot shows how programming Git client SourceTree lists adjustments Steve Phelps made programmers programming Java Agent Based Modeling library github. com/phelps sg/jabm, which was used programmers produce programming outcomes supplied in Caiani et al. 2014 and Caiani et al. Yes, laptop science vertical can be mounted above ground, typically on desktop science mast, and this has its advantages as well. You still need at the very least two radials for each band you will perform on, cut programmers be computer technology quarter wavelength for each band. You may even need programmers do some tuning on those radials, slicing or lengthening them programmers get programming lowest SWR. But do not worry about 1. 5 or 1. 7 programmers 1 and spend hours of completely good working time trying programmers get it flat!If you have got computer technological know-how multi band vertical fixed above programming ground, there could be desktop science set of radials for each band that you use computer science 40 meter radial will suffice for 15.